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UN News: One of world's biggest natural gas reserves discovered off Namibia coast

Massive find could supply Europe for decades, boosts chances of green hydrogen.
The discovery of one of the world's largest natural gas reserves off the coast of Namibia could have major implications for global energy markets and the fight against climate change. The find, announced by Shell on Monday, is estimated to hold up to 4 trillion cubic meters of gas, which is equivalent to around 20 years of European gas imports.

If confirmed, the find would be the largest natural gas discovery in Africa in over a decade and would have a major impact on the global energy market. It could also help to boost the chances of green hydrogen, which is seen as a key part of the fight against climate change.

The discovery is located in the Orange Basin, which is shared by Namibia and South Africa. Shell has been drilling in the basin for several years and has invested around $2 billion in exploration. The company said that the find is "significant" and that it is "working to assess the full potential of the discovery."

The discovery comes at a time when Europe is facing a major energy crisis. The war in Ukraine has led to a sharp increase in gas prices and has forced European countries to look for alternative sources of energy. The Namibia discovery could help to ease the pressure on Europe's energy markets and could also help to reduce the continent's dependence on Russian gas.

The find could also have a major impact on the fight against climate change. Natural gas is a cleaner-burning fuel than coal or oil, and it can be used to generate electricity, heat homes, and power vehicles. The use of natural gas can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and slow the pace of climate change.

However, some environmentalists have expressed concerns about the environmental impact of the gas find. They argue that the extraction and transportation of natural gas can lead to air and water pollution. They also argue that the use of natural gas can contribute to climate change, as it produces carbon dioxide when burned.

The discovery of the natural gas reserves off the coast of Namibia is a significant development that could have major implications for global energy markets and the fight against climate change. The find could help to ease the pressure on Europe's energy markets and could also help to reduce the continent's dependence on Russian gas. However, it is important to consider the environmental impact of the gas find and to ensure that it is developed in a sustainable way.
